Who We Are

In Christianity, ministry is an activity carried out by Christians to express or spread their faith, the prototype being the Great Commission. Some ministries are identified as such, and some are not; some ministries are directed only to Christians and others are directed to all people. We are called to do ministry and minister, but in all kinds of different ways so that the gospel can be proclaimed, the kingdom can be built, and God can be glorified. God still calls individuals to specific ministries, particularly preaching and teaching His Word. God calls all believers, but God gives a call to some people that is more than the general call.

Why Footprints Ministry?

God called numerous individuals to specific ministries in the Bible times, it is just only reasonable that He would do so today. God’s call is an inner conviction given by the Holy Spirit and confirmed by the Word of God and the body of Jesus Christ.

Often a person senses a call to ministry but has no leading to a specific church. Although the callings are different, the end result must be the same; a sense of divine initiative, a commission that leaves a person with a settled assurance that he or she is doing what God desires. Footprints Ministry was founded in 2005 after a call from God. With the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20 Jesus calls his followers to make disciples of and baptize all nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Footprints are still spreading the Christian message and converting others to Christianity, not only by our words, but by the example of our deeds.